Sunday, October 21, 2012

End of the wine harvest

After some three weeks this weekend the harvest came to an end - as usual with the "vendanges à la main" for the top quality wines.

As last year - see blog - I went to Château Fages (Luzech) to give a helping hand.

Here is the whole bunch of helpers with your little servant somewhere on the back row.
For those who would have some difficulties to recognise me after all these years there is a little hint. And no, it is not the man with the glass of wine in his hands.

Afterwards - as is the custom - a delicious meal was offered - this year accompanied by guitar music as you can see on facebook.

Some of the repertoire : Jacques Dutronc (Paris resp. le château de Fages s'éveille), Alain Bashung (Vertige de l'amour), Claude Nougaro (Tu verras), Serge Gainsbourg (La javanaise), Boris Vian, Sascha Distel, etc.

Very nice indeed and a feast for young and old.

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