Sunday, February 20, 2011

An intermezzo

Today no video impressions but just some information on the Mas de l'Houvande website.

The site has been updated and the layout made more adapted to larger computer screens.

The most important changes :

* Spanish has been added as sixth language : turismo rural (great thanks to Miguel from Barcelona)

* the page how to get there has been completed with GPS information, a verbal description of the way to get to the mas and with a dynamic link to google maps (click on the google map image).

* the content of the news page has completely changed : links are provided to this blog and to the Mas de l'Houvande portal where you can find further information on the mas, the region, the weather, etc.

* photos have been renewed where necessary

All changes are of course made for all the six languages.

I hope that this will make the site more useful.
Still to come : a photo album and a playlist of videos on the region.
Further suggestions are always welcome.

Have a nice week-end.

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