Sunday, May 2, 2010

ça y ait

Yes, we did it : the terraces are ready now. This week at last we could joint the tiles. Hard work in a burning sun. Until Friday it was really hot summer : on Wednesday on the terrace in the sun the thermometer indicated at 6.30 pm no less than 48° ! (forgot to take a picture of that).

As you can see we "invented" a new technique to adapt the tiles to the old stones of the little wall and the doorsteps : the borders of the tiles were cut with a pair of pincers (tenailles) to follow the unevenness and irregularities of the stones.

Flowers of the week : of course the lily-of-the-valley (muguet) and - for us - as it is the first time it flowers - the weigel(i)a or diervilla.

At last some rain. The grass is very happy.

It is a very strange feeling for Belgians to be happy about the rain. In the South it is rather Singin' in the rain than I can't stand the rain.

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