Sunday, August 28, 2011
Week of extremes - fauna of birds - some new French expressions
It was a week of summerly extremes:
on Sunday and Monday 38 to 40 °, sun burning, on Friday 20 °, rain pouring.
Even for cats the week-end was way too warm: Chiara was searching for shadow under the deck chairs at the swimming pool - me a little late there for the picture - and under the terrace table, whereas little Marcello preferred to stay inside.
I don't know why but this year we see a lot more birds (of prey) than other years.
Here is a short schematic survey of them (thx to Kwinten):
1. l'aigle royal (Aquila chrysaetos - Golden Eagle)
2. la buse variable (Buteo buteo - Common Buzzard)
3. le circaete Jean-le-blanc (Circaetus gallicus - Short-toed Snake-eagle)
4. l'épervier d'Europe (Accipiter nisus - Eurasian Sparrowhawk)
5. le faucon crécerelle (Falco tinnunculus - Common Kestrel)
6. le faucon pèlerin (Falco peregrinus - Peregrine Falcon)
7. le gypaète barbu (Gypaetus barbatus - Bearded Vulture)
8. le milan noir (Milvus migrans - Black Kite)
9. le vautour percnoptère (Neophron percnopterus - Egyptian Vulture)
10. le vautour fauve (Gyps fulvus - Griffon Vulture)
A lovely site to know more about them and see them in real: Les oiseaux du monde. Just click on the links above.
Also seen here for the first time in our garden two beautiful birds : the Eurasian Hoopoe (upupa epops, fr. huppet fascié) and the Eurasian Jay (garrulus glandarius, fr. geai des chênes).
To finish today: again two French expressions. Many thanks to Céline.
Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard : to be more or less mediocre, having nothing extraordinary.
Il a le cul bordé de nouilles : he is very fortunate.
Two "philosphical" questions here : is it better with sause or without? And when yes to the former, which sause?
Don't think too long on these and have a nice week-end.